Band member transitions
Everyone has returned from college, and preparations began in May for the upcoming gig season. If all goes well, we will have a new set list in place for the July 1 show in Webster, and a new release by mid-July.
Sadly, we have to announce that Dylon Walbridge will no longer be playing keyboards in the band. After three seasons and some session work, Dylon has moved on to his first passion – jazz. You can find out more about his great band, Bearcat and the Birds, by following here: Bearcat and the Birds Facebook Page. Thanks Dylon, for making us sound so good.
Also, our fantastic guitarist and saxophone player, Matt Doi, will be unable to perform with us this year. Matt is getting married this summer and plans an extended vacation with his wife, Kaitlin. Please make sure to attend our opening show this year, July 1, in Webster, as this will be Matt’s only show with us this season. Please join us as we show Matt our appreciation for his talent and friendship through the years.
We are pleased to announce that James has returned from South Dakota, and will be back on the gig this year. In the absence of Dylon and Matt, expect James to pick up some of the slack on guitar and keys. Additionally we would like to welcome Penfield High School students Luke and Nicole, who will be moving into the guitar and keyboard chairs, with the help of James.
Recording update
We continued recording in May, adding a new song to the mix, “Love is all Around” written by Sonny Curtis. Some of you may better know this song as The Mary Tyler Moore Show theme song. Michelle recorded the lead vocal tracks, and we previously tracked the drums. We are now working on the best complimentary bass and guitar lines – many thoughts are out there at this time. Sarah and Sierra have learned the backup vocals and will record them soon. I’m sure you will enjoy our version of this recognizable tune.
Here is a list of the songs we are working on:
“Mister Sunshine” (needs organ and some hand percussion)
“I Almost Forgive Him” (pretty much finished and ready for mix-down)
“That Boy of Mine” (back up vocals need recording)
“Little Town Flirt” (needs a baritone sax line recorded)
“Love is All Around” (bass, guitar, backing vocals need recording, maybe an organ track too)
Gifts from a fan!
One of the nice things about being in IT’S MY PARTY! is receiving fan mail. And although the 21st Century has seen a decrease in the amount of snail mail we receive, it hasn’t come to a complete halt.
Over the course of the past few years, we have one very generous fan who showers us with gifts. These gifts are always related to the girl group sound and are expensive, to say the least. The last batch included girl group 45s, LPs, CDs, and a great Shangri-las T-shirt. We can’t thank our fans enough for their generosity through the years, and we are happy to know that we have brought some joy into their lives as well.
If you are inclined to send us a physical correspondence, our address is IT’S MY PARTY!, P.O. Box 423, Penfield, NY 14526. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

James and Michelle are excited during the “unboxing” of the mother-load of gifts.