Jul 1 | JohnG
2019 tour begins at Burgundy Basin
The group opened its live performance tour on June 18 at the Burgundy Basin car cruise. The weather, always a deciding factor, was perfect, which brought out cars in force. The organizers counted 235 cars on the lawn, with an estimated crowd of well over 500 attendees. The vendor sold out food and drink before the end of the night, an indicator of a successful event.

Sierra, Frankie, Emma and young friends before showtime
After shaking off some understandable rust and jitters, the group performed a strong second set. Two new additions to the repertoire, “He’s the Greatest,” and “Path of Love,” were big hits, especially with long-time fans.
The violin section was particularly strong during this performance. Props go out to Matt Doi, who filled in admirably on guitar, and Drew, who covered piano after only one practice. Ed and Jakob set up the sound system, lighting truss and backline, in addition to running sound and lights during the show.
Our next performance is in Batavia, at the Jackson Square alley on July 5. Regulars James and Dylon will cover guitar and keyboards at this show, while Matt Doi shifts to saxophones. Our former singer, Michelle, will be our special guest.
New show added!
We have been invited to perform on Sunday, July 7 as part of the Greece Dairy Queen’s Sunday car cruise. We would love to see you at there. This is our one-and-only show on the west-side of town this year!
Social media guru needed
It has become clear to us that we are not documenting our live shows or news as effectively as we could. This is the result of one or two people wearing too many hats, and the fact that we are in-the-moment and not observers. We would like to reach out to any of our local followers who may be interested in becoming part of our team as a social media specialist. This assignment would entail taking photos at live performances, photo sessions, and recording sessions, and then adding catchy additions to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you are interested please contact us my email, or by posting a comment below.